Stephen J. Dann
UK Tax Advisor


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EMIGRATING - non tax issues

If you are British and are now leaving the UK with the intention of remaining abroad permanently there are issues you need to consider in addition to taxation. Do you understand the visa requirements? What healthcare arrangements do you have in place? You will need to give serious consideration to private health insurance. Do you know what contributions you can make to the State Pension sheme? I can advise on these issues in addition to taxation, if you wish. In this regard please view my twenty-point list of aspects to consider which can be viewed HERE and contact me if you require individual advice on any of these points.

EMIGRATING - Taxation issues

When you leave the UK with the intention of remaining abroad for a
complete tax year you may be entitled to claim a repayment of income tax.

I can calculate and claim this repayment for you, and have the repayment sent to you anywhere in the world.
My fee is 20% of the refund subject to a minimum fee of £ 250. Your repayment will be sent to you in person by the Inland Revenue, or direct to your bank account if you prefer. Under no circumstances would I recommend you to authorise a company or individual you have only dealt with over the internet to receive your refund regardless of any claims they make about insurances etc. It is unnecessary and wastes time. For an example of what to expect please view This Link

Simply email me stating whether you are a UK National, or a foreign National leaving the UK. and you will receive my initial response within 24 hours. If you are a UK National Emigrating permanently there are several other aspects which you may wish to consider and I detail these on THIS page.

If you have already left the UK repayments can currently be claimed as far back as 6th April, 2013 although if you left the UK before 6th April, 2016 then H.M.Revenue and Customs may require you to file a UK Self Assessment tax return form for the year of departure and my fee will therefore be a minimum of £ 390. for the Return and the refund claim combined. Please see the "Ex Pat Return Forms" page which can be accessed from my Sitemap page

Once you are living overseas you will need to consider the impact of UK taxation on any income you still receive from the UK. Pension income is taxed differently in different countries, with the UK taxing UK pensions in some circumstances, whilst in others it is the host country. Similarly investment income arising in the UK is still taxed in the UK. Contact me for clarification, if needed.
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