Stephen J. Dann Self Assessment Tax Returns for UK Expats Click here for Other Pages on this Website
Expat Tax Return Form Preparation - How it works1. I require you to e-mail me from this page, detailing the following:a. Your full name b. Your HMRC unique taxpayer reference number c. Your National insurance Number d. Your address e. Your date of birth f. The date on which your overseas employment commenced g. Your employer's name h. The address at which you are employed i. Your salary for the year ended 5th April, 2024 j. The tax deducted from that salary k. Your marital status l. A list of any benefits in kind provided by your employer as detailed on form P11D m. a list of the dates you have spent in the UK since 6th April, 2020 n. Any other information which may be relevant to your UK tax affairs, such as investment income, rental income, etc. 2. You immediately receive an automated response confirming receipt of your message. 3. Within 24 hours I respond manually to accept the appointment, to confirm the fee, to request any further information and address any specific concerns you may have 4. At your discretion you provide any remaining information requested and pay the agreed fee. 5. Within 24 hours I e-mail you to advise of the taxation position arising from your tax Return and enclose a completed tax Return form in PDF format. 6. You email me the signed declaration and I submit the form to HMRC online
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